Kelsey Day assists Nicole Aragi, and is selectively building their own list. They are currently closed to queries.
To get a sense of what they are looking for, please visit their manuscript wish list.
Current & Forthcoming Titles
HANNAH DELA CRUZ ABRAMS received the 2013 Whiting Writers Award for her novella The Man Who Danced with Dolls and her memoir-in-progress The Following Sea. She has been further supported by a Rona Jaffe National Literary Award and a North Carolina Arts Council Fellowship. Her work has appeared in the Oxford American,StoryQuarterly, Orion, and the Southern Humanities Review, among others. Abrams currently teaches in the Department of English at the University of North Carolina Wilmington.
SAMIYA BASHIR, called a “dynamic, shape-shifting machine of perpetual motion,” by Diego Báez, is a poet, writer, librettist, performer, and multi-media poet whose solo and collaborative work has been widely published, performed, installed, printed, screened, experienced, and Oxford comma’d from Berlin to Düsseldorf, Amsterdam to Accra, Florence to Rome, and across the United States.
Sometimes she makes poems of dirt. Sometimes zeros and ones. Sometimes variously rendered text. Sometimes light. Bashir is the author of three poetry collections, most recently Field Theories, winner of the Oregon Book Award.
Bashir’s honors include the Rome Prize in Literature, the Pushcart Prize, New York Council for the Arts and Oregon’s Regional Arts & Culture Council fellowships, among numerous other awards, grants, and residencies. A sought-after editor, Bashir most recently served as Associate Professor at Reed College, and executive director of Lambda Literary. Currently the June Jordan Visiting Scholar at Columbia University, Bashir lives in Harlem, NYC.
EDDY KOSIK received his MFA in Creative Writing from New York University where he was a Whitehill Fellow. Born and raised in central Pennsylvania, Eddy’s first novel is in progress. He lives in Philadelphia.
JOYELLE MCSWEENEY is the author of ten books of poetry, drama and prose, a well-known critic, and a vital publisher of international literature in translation. A Guggenheim Fellow, McSweeney’s recent book, Toxicon and Arachne (Nightboat Books, 2020), was called “frightening and brilliant” by Dan Chiasson in the New Yorker and earned her the Shelley Memorial Prize from the Poetry Society of America. Her 2014 essay collection, The Necropastoral: Poetry, Media, Occults, is widely regarded as a visionary work of eco-criticism. Her debut poetry volume, The Red Bird, inaugurated the Fence Modern Poets Series in 2001, while her verse play, Dead Youth, or the Leaks, inaugurated the Leslie Scalapino Prize for Innovative Women Performance Artists in 2014. She lives in South Bend, Indiana and teaches at Notre Dame.
SARA MICHAS-MARTIN is a former Wallace Stegner Fellow and teaches creative writing at Stanford in collaboration with the Doerr School of Sustainability. She is the author of Gray Matter, winner of the Poets Out Loud Prize and nominated for a Colorado Book Award. Her work has been supported by fellowships and grants from the Bread Loaf Writers Conference, the Barbara Deming Memorial Fund for Women, the Vermont Studio Center, Virginia Center for the Arts, and the Marble House Project. Her work was selected as a notable essay in the 2023 editions of Best American Essays and Best American Science and Nature Writing anthologies, and has recently appeared in the American Poetry Review, Kenyon Review, Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), the New England Review, Conduit and
MILO is the pen name of Michelle Long – a Reiki Master Practitioner, Naturopathic Healer, and Intuitive based in Brooklyn, New York. Gifted with the ability to witness memory stored in the body, Milo facilitates healing by shifting energetic blocks caused by held emotion, stress, trauma, internalized phobias, and psychosomatic beliefs – activating and nurturing reserves of groundedness, love, strength, and creativity in the newfound space. Their debut title is in progress.
DAVID NAIMON is the host of the literary podcast Between the Covers and co-author with Ursula K. Le Guin of Ursula K. Le Guin: Conversations on Writing, a finalist for the Hugo Award and winner of the 2019 Locus Award in nonfiction. His writing can be found in Orion, AGNI, Boulevard, and Black Warrior Review, has received a Pushcart prize, been reprinted in Best Spiritual Literature and The Best Small Fictions and been cited in Best American Mystery & Suspense, Best American Travel Writing and Best American Essays.
MARIA ZOCCOLA is a queer Southern writer with deep roots in the Mississippi Delta. She has writing degrees from Emory University and Falmouth University. Her work has previously appeared or is forthcoming in The Atlantic, Ploughshares, Kenyon Review, Poetry Daily, ZYZZYVA, and elsewhere. Her debut poetry collection, Helen of Troy, 1993 was published in 2025 with Scribner, and was selected as a New York Times Book Review Editor’s Choice, recommended in The New Yorker’s Best New Books column, and described by Publisher’s Weekly in their starred review as “by turns hilarious and provocative, an affecting character study and modern mythic retelling.”